
Friday, January 25, 2013

62. Mystery Brewing Annabel

Onto the next review!  Next in our series of beers that were consumed during the beer tour was Annabel, a black saison.  This is the first time I tried a saison, so I wasn't sure what to expect here.  It had a dark, near black color, with a very think, light tan head.  Looked a lot like a porter or stout based on my first impression.  The only difference was that I could smell some dark fruits, which I guess would provide the difference between the saison and the stout.  

Onto the taste!  I could pick out some coffee and chocolate notes, much like a porter or stout, followed by this tangy, sour-like finish.  To be honest, it was a little off-putting, primarily because of the fact that I had porter and stout thoughts in my head and got something different.  That didn't make it a bad beer, just a sizeable difference that I had to get adjusted to.  That said, it took a good while to get used to it, and I probably should have helped myself to seconds.  It is a complex beer, and I feel like I can have more respect for it with a little more experience in beer drinking.

Grade: C
Price Paid: Free (7 oz draught)

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