
Thursday, January 10, 2013

59. Yazoo Fall Lager

I decided to crack this one open tonight, thought it might pair well with some teriyaki chicken and rice.  I probably could've found a better pairing, but I'm not experienced in that realm yet..give me some time.  The beer poured a burnt orange color with a finger and a half of off-white head.  Light retention, little to no lacing.  I tried to get the aroma from this one and couldn't pick up anything.  Maybe the sweetness of the malt and some caramel?  That's about it.

The taste was very ordinary.  Again, the malt comes through on the taste, but not much else.  Maybe a little bit of roastiness there, and I'll admit some hop kick at the end.  One thing that did stand out was the high carbonation.  Felt soda-like with the type of kick it brought.  Wasn't a bad thing either.  Light bodied, easy to drink.  I think my biggest complaint with this beer is that it lacked character.  It was an average beer, nothing to get excited about.

Grade: C
Price Paid: $1.79 (12 oz bottle)

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