The next on our list of beers sampled during the brew tour was the Hornigold, an English IPA. My buddy found this IPA to be agreeable to him, which gave me some pause. I consider myself IPA averse, and I've been slowly getting used to it, but he was worse. Once I took a sip, I'd realize what was going on, but I'm not about to get ahead of myself. Onto the pour! The folks behind the bar was pouring smoothly, minimizing head in the process. This brew poured a reddish brown, with a finger of off-white head. Light retention, light lacing. Malt aromas are evident, not a lot of hop character that's expected from an IPA.
And then I tasted the beer, and realized the difference between an English IPA and an American IPA. The hop character and taste was subtle instead of overpowering. I didn't get that bitter bite at the end. It seemed a lot more balanced and put together. Leave it to the Americans to go overboard in one direction or the other. Not that I'm complaining, but we're not known for our moderation here. It made the beer very sessionable, one I'd have again.
Grade: B
Price Paid: Free (7 oz draught)
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