
Sunday, January 27, 2013

67. Blowing Rock IPA Ale

Is it true?  Could I be reviewing a beer that I bought only a day ago?  Yes, miracles can happen!  To be honest, they were already cold at Lowes Foods and I felt compelled to keep them in the fridge.  I'm not in the mood to go after some of my harder-to-find beers, so this one was going to do it for me.  I picked this up thinking that I was supporting my local breweries (, until I noticed that the beer is brewed in Pennsylvania.  What?  I don't quite get it, but it seems that Boone Brewing = Blowing Rock or is some sort of offshoot, so I'll go with it.

Onto the beer.  It poured an almost copper color, accompanied with two fingers of head after a rather vigorous pour.  Rings of lacing along the side, medium retention.  Looks good, upon first impression.  I could pick up piney hop aromas, maybe a little bit of citrus, but more woodsy vibes out of this one.  First time I could notice it.  Aside from maybe a little bit of caramel, nothing else I could distinguish.  

The taste of the beer was nothing groundbreaking.  I could pick up the earthy tones and the IPA had a bitter kick at the end, as expected.  It came off a little sweet, which was unexpected.  The beer itself was light bodied, with light to medium carbonation.  Consider me a little unimpressed with this beer.  It lacked the wow factor, the taste was a little unbalanced..just a little too much going on here.  I'll pass on this one.

Grade: D+
Price Paid: $1.66 (12 oz bottle)

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