
Thursday, January 3, 2013

57. Atwater Bloktoberfest

No, I'm not reviewing more entries that I consumed in the past.  This is one that I consumed today.  Just goes to show that I have a lot of beer sitting in my reserves right now if I can go back and grab an Oktoberfest beer.  Atwater ( is a company based out of Michigan.  I had never heard of them before, so I'm guessing that it doesn't have the notoriety like some of its peers.  Still, I was in the mood to give it a shot, see how well this would taste.  I had picked this one up from The Beer Dispensary in Apex.

I worried that I may be waiting too long to drink this one, but I wouldn't really know any better unless the beer is outright awful.  The beer poured a nice honey brown color with about half a finger of head.  There's light retention, leaving a small cap of head, some light lacing as well.  For the aroma, I could pick out some bread and malt, maybe some fruit.  That's about it.  

The taste was remarkably blah.  It wasn't bad, but it also didn't have much flavor.  I could pick up the malt and some hops, but you could have fooled me if you said this was an Oktoberfest beer.  Well, I take that back, since those type of beers in the traditional sense should be easy to consume.  I felt like I was drinking a macro beer.  Remarkably average, very little character and identity.  It's easy enough to drink, but I think I prefer a beer with a little more pop.

Grade: D+
Price Paid: $2.19 (12 oz bottle)

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