When you hold beers like me, you can experience a little bit of Christmas all days of the year. In this case, I decided to enjoy a beer before heading to a Carolina Hurricanes game and opted to go with the holiday ale by Rogue.
The beer poured an amber color into a snifter glass. A finger and a half of off white head that had a stickiness to it. Sheets of lacing all over the perimeter of the glass, making for one attractive looking beer. I picked up aromas of malt, caramel, dark fruit, maybe a little bit of spice. Also had a touch of citrus. I tend to like amber ales, but I don't remember any amber ales with this type of profile..I wasn't quite sure what I was getting into!
Malty sweetness comes first, following by a hop bite that tends to linger a little too long for my tastes. The malt, caramel is evident. The dark fruit I smelled didn't pick up in the taste. The citrus that was hard to detect was much more evident..not a sweet citrus either, definitely grapefruit. I think I could pick off some piney hops as well. The beer was medium bodied, with moderate carbonation. Overall, I feel like I've had better amber ales that are a better representation of the type. I've also had better Christmas ales, since this lacked the spice. To me, this is a pretty unremarkable beer. Agree or disagree? I'd love to hear your opinion.
Grade: C-
Price Paid: $2.29 (12 oz bottle)
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