
Saturday, March 2, 2013

94. Dogfish Head Chicory Stout

In one of my previous hauls, I had some emphasis placed on picking up some brews from Dogfish Head (  I finally got around to cracking one open last night to enjoy with a taco salad.  The fact that the label mentioned that it was made with Mexican coffee led me to believe that this would be a very solid match with some Mexican food.  

The beer poured a near black with a tan head.  The label says bone white.  Nope, didn't come close to that color.  I was able to get less than a finger of head, with light retention, light lacing.  Aromas of coffee, roasted malts, chocolate dominate.  Very pleasant.  For whatever reason, I didn't translate chiccory and stout together.  I was expecting some sort of brown ale, even though the labeling says stout.  Must've been off in LaLa land.  

I'll be the first to tell you that I don't know what chicory tastes like, and I certainly couldn't discern it in the aroma.  That said, I picked up something in the taste, and maybe that's what it was.  Tastes of coffee, roasted malt, lactose, and chocolate come in on the front end, then this type of bitterness forces its way in on the back end.  Reminded me a little bit of licorice.  This was different than all the other stouts and porters that I'm used to.  Medium to high carbonation gave the beer some pop.  It took away from the creaminess, but gave it a spicy tone that I found to be quite pleasant.  For my first foray into Dogfish Head beers, I thought this one wasn't too bad.  I look forward to trying their other offerings!  Agree or disagree?  I want to hear your opinions!

Grade: B
Price Paid: $2.29 (12 oz bottle)

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