Ok, so in a few days ago, I felt like enjoying a beer with dinner and opted to try Weyerbacher's 14th Anniversary ale. Weyerbacher (http://www.weyerbacher.com) is based out of Pennsylvania and their wheatwine offering stood out immensely, as something I haven't had before. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I was looking forward to the experience.
Poured into my good ol' snifter glass, I was greeted with a hazy, burnt orange colored beer. I barely got half a finger of head, and it was gone before I knew it. Little to no retention, little to no lacing. I detected aromas of banana bread, rum raisins, booze, and candy.
The taste was shockingly sweet. Could pick up more of the rum raisin and booze, with the wheat being a light touch on the back end. Picked up caramel and butterscotch as well. Full bodied and packing a wallop, it was meant to be drank slowly. Little to no carbonation, which is probably why the sweetness had such punch. I was able to drink the whole thing, and I gave it it's proper respect, since at 11.8% ABV, I wasn't in any rush to drink. Still, the sweetness was a little overwhelming and I'm curious to see how some of Weyerbacher's other offerings will be.
Grade: C-
Price Paid: $4.00 (12 oz bottle)
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