I've had several beers from Sweetwater..just haven't gotten around to posting the others. With the free time over the holidays, I plan on putting a dent into my backlog. For now, I have a glass of this in front of me and I'm drinking, so I figured I'd give it a review now. Sweetwater (http://www.sweetwaterbrew.com) is another good brewing company based out of Georgia. Their Dank Tank series is supposed to be their creative outlet for one-off beers that they want to try.
This particular beer pours a clear burnt orange color. I poured it in such a way to purposefully try and create some head. Was able to get two fingers worth out of it. Retention was solid, leaving sheets of lacing around the glass. Aroma smells of baked bread and caramel.
The taste is peculiar. I've had my share of Oktoberfest style beers this year and the one thing I've noticed is that they don't seem to be consistent. In this particular brew, there's a sweetness on the front end that's pleasant, but then the hops and bitter finish stands out on the back end. It also tends to linger. If you're an IPA fan, you may appreciate this. For those of you very few that may have read my posts, then you're aware of my chronicles with the IPA and my continuing quest to get used to them. I can get used to this brew, I just wasn't expecting it to be there. Medium mouthfeel, a little warming on the back-end as well from the alcohol (8.5 ABV). The high alcohol content makes this less like an Oktoberfest beer as well, since I could probably finish the bomber and be good for a while. If I take the whole Oktoberfest motif out of it and just try to judge the beer solely by its taste, it's not a bad brew. If the bitterness was down just a tad, it would be even better.
Grade: C+
Price Paid: $1.99 (22 oz bomber)
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