
Friday, December 14, 2012

40. Port City Porter

I'm reaching back, but I believe I picked up this particular porter from Total Wine.  Just a random pick, thought I'd give it a go.  The labeling doesn't really stand out, and it wasn't until I opened the bottle that I noticed the 7.5% ABV.  Port City Brewing (http://www.portcitybrewing) is a newer brewery (less than 2 years) so hopefully their offerings can hold up well enough for them to survive.

I bought this one a while back, so there was no best by dates or anything to go by.  When I poured the glass, I noticed the tiny little bits of "sediment" floating through my glass.  Uh-oh.  Was this supposed to be unfiltered?  I didn't think so.  Probably just bad luck on my part for waiting so long to drink.  Anyway, the color of the beer had a cola-like appearance.  Small tan head with small amounts of lacing.  Smelled of chocolate and coffee which was nice.  I was a little worried about the sediment, but knew it would settle at the bottom and as long as I didn't feel like I was drinking old amoxicillin, I'd be okay.  

I could taste the chocolate and coffee, but didn't didn't detect any skunky tastes to it.  Whew.  That said, I did get a bite of soy, which I'm not particular fond of.  I had a previous exposure to a porter or stout with some soy characteristics (I'm looking at you, Sam Adams Imperial Stout) and it did not appeal much at all.  In this case, it hurt the beer.  I could also taste some of the graininess, and the bitter aftertaste had some linger to it.  Overall, the beer wasn't bad, I was able to drink the whole thing, but it could have been better.  I'd like to try a fresh brew to see if some of the tastes I encountered was just an aberration.  

Grade: C-
Price Paid: $1.79 (12 oz. bottle)

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