
Sunday, December 16, 2012

42. Allagash Dubbel Ale

I'm pretty sure I picked up the Allagash Dubbel Ale during a trip to Total Wine.  Allagash ( is based out of Maine and this is one of their year-round offerings.  

I've had this one for a while, so I gave it a quick bottoms up swirl before I cracked it open.  Color was a very dark orange.  Not a lot of head, less than a finger of it.  Not a lot of retention or noticeable lacing.  I tried to pick up on the aroma, but there wasn't much there.  I could smell the malt a little bit of nuttiness,  but that was about it.

Now onto the taste.  I liked it better cold.  As it warmed up, it opened up, but not in an appealing way for me.  The taste was a little more boozy, the finish was more bitter, and there was a lingering metallic aftertaste.  I like the metallic aftertaste from Red Oak..I don't like it here.  I could get the malt tastes on the front end, which made it odd that the bitter citrus notes came through at the end.  The beer feels unbalanced. Mouthfeel is light with light carbonation to try and make it more drinkable.  I've had the Ommegang dubbel and it is superior to this.  Pass.

Grade: C-
Price Paid: $2.29 (12 oz bottle)

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