The holidays are soon upon us! And with that note, I've been working towards obtaining and consuming the recent seasonals that have come out in the last few weeks. Bell's Christmas Ale ( was a brew I picked up while I was shopping or some going away gifts for a co-worker. Yeah, I couldn't help myself, had to get something that was for me! While being subjected to a cliche and lame Hallmark/ABC Family Christmas movie, I decided to crank this baby out, then use the movie as a drinking game. Everytime something cliche happens during the movie, take a drink. I didn't make it to the end.
As far as the beer is concerned, it poured a nice amber color, with a finger of off-white head. What was weird was that I couldn't smell much of anything. I could catch some of the malt, but that was it. No spices, nothing I expected from a Christmas seasonal. If there was any spice, it was in the finish, but I couldn't pick it up. Medium/high carbonation, I felt like I could be drinking a soda.
I guess I had overly high expectations, especially since it was coming from Bell's, but I was ultimately underwhelmed.
Grade: C-
Price Paid: $2.29 (12 oz bottle)
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