
Saturday, June 29, 2013

149. Terrapin Wake N' Bake

The weekend is upon us and it's time for me to play catch-up!  I have about half a dozen new beers to review, starting from the longest to the most recent.  We start with Terrapin's Wake N' Bake.  I like to think of it as Terrapin's turbo-charged Moo-Hoo stout.  I know it's not the same thing, but I like to take creative license in a lot of things, and I'm doing it here.

The beer poured a near black into a pilsner glass, with a finger and a half of sticky, mocha colored head.  Plenty of lacing along the sides of the glass, with long retention. This is one attractive looking beer.  It even pours with a viscosity that suggests a medium to full bodied brew.  Aromas of coffee dominate the beer, with a hint of oat and dark malts.  The coffee doesn't take on a sour, stale component, nor does it taste overpowering like an espresso.  I'm thinking more cold-press coffee.

The taste is as expected, getting hit with coffee, coffee, and more coffee.  The creaminess that comes from the oats and the light sweetness that comes through at the end makes me think milk stout.  I'm not sure where the sweetness is coming from, whether lactose is added or not, but it does a great job of easing the bitter finish of the coffee.  The mouthfeel is as expected, medium to full bodied and creamy.  Light to medium carbonation, which is perfect for this style of beer, in my opinion.  Ladies and gents, this one is a winner.  The best part is that I know where to go to find some more (it sold out quick in most stores, but there's a couple of places still hiding them..!).  To me, this is just as good as Founder's Breakfast Stout, and that's saying something.  Agree or disagree, let me know!

Grade: A
Price Paid: $3.50 (12 oz bottle)

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