
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

142. Lonerider True Britt ESB

Lonerider's True Britt is one of their seasonal releases that I hadn't seen before.  Looks like Lonerider is ramping up with their different beer offerings and their intention to bottle more than just their year rounders.  Not complaining one bit, I always want to see local NC breweries able to step out and do more.  I ended up enjoying this beer with dinner.

The beer poured a nice amber color into a pilsner glass.  I try to pour aggressively to get a nice head, was able to get two and a half fingers of off white head to show.  Not a lot of retention, not a lot of lacing.  The aromas were simplistic, some caramel, malts, bread, and a little bit of hops..after all it is an ESB, right?

The beer reminded me of an amber to start, then the bitter finish reminded me that this was an ESB.  For what it is, it's pretty simplistic.  The beer is very sessionable, light bodied with moderate carbonation.  It's not going to wow you with complex flavors and some people may be disappointed with that.  If that's how the style is supposed to be, I can't knock it.  Comparing this to Green Man's ESB, which I only had a little while before this one, I liked this one better.  Agree with me?  Disagree?  Let me know.

Grade: B-
Price Paid: $1.89 (12 oz bottle)

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