
Monday, August 19, 2013

162. Shock Top Apple Wheat

Just a few minutes ago, I took a look at what's currently sitting in "draft" status and I can see that I'm about fifteen beers behind.  Hopefully I'll be able to make a dent in the backlog.  I'm still going through the beers that I needed to drink before moving, and that was almost two months ago.  Just goes to show that I haven't consumed a lot of beers since then..well, that's not true.  I haven't consumed a lot of new beers since then.  MillerCoors has Blue Moon, Anheuser Busch has Shock Top.  This is the first one from Shock Top that I've ever tried, I'm crossing my fingers for good things.

The beer pours as expected, an apple juice colored beer that has little to no head, with no real retention or lacing as it settled in my pilsner glass.  The aromas are predominantly red apple with a little bit of sugary malt and wheat.  Exactly what you would expect with this beer.

The taste on the other hand is not what I would expect.  I personally found it to be bad.  Very bad.  I enjoy a lot of hard ciders, so I came prepped with some sort of preconceived expectation for what I was going to taste.  The biggest problem I have with the beer is that I think the apple flavor pairs horribly with a wheat beer.  The wheat gives the apple a bad aftertaste and the crispness goes by the wayside.  Maybe if it was blended with a light ale, things would have been better.  With the wheat..?  No.  It felt more like conflict than cooperation.  The body was light with moderate high carbonation.  This was almost a drain pour, but I toughed it out and consumed the whole thing.  That said, I don't plan to ever drink another.  Pass on this one folks!

Grade: D-
Price Paid: $1.66 (12 oz bottle)

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