I've mentioned before how I'm a big fan of Mother Earth Brewing. One of these days, I just need to go to the store and pick up their entire year-round lineup (that I haven't tried yet) so I can go ahead and confirm that I've had them all. I ended up enjoying this beer with another dinner. The bottle was poured into a pilsner glass. It was a mahogany colored brew with two fingers of a creamy, dark beige colored head. Light to moderate retention, leaving foam on the top and moderate lacing on the sides of the glass. Very attractive beer. I detected aromas of bready malts, milk chocolate, and nuts.
I can taste a lot of earthiness with this beer, along with sweet malts, the hint of chocolate, caramel, with a light hop finish at the end. What a balanced beer! Medium bodied with medium carbonation, this beer goes down smooth and easy. There's not much to complain about with this type of beer. Some might say that the taste is a little weak, but I think the beer is more than appropriate for the style. They can't all be IPAs and stouts. This is one of those beers where I can pop back a few and not feel full. This is a beer I'd highly recommend.
Grade: B+
Price Paid: $1.86 (12 oz bottle)