
Saturday, July 13, 2013

156. Dos Equis Amber

I can't say that I'm a Spanish expert.  I took four years in high school, none in college.  I speak a few words and phrases here and there, attempt to speak Spanish to my wife, who will then tell me to use English.  I want to be tri-lingual one day, with Spanish being one of the languages.  The Rosetta Stone or something like it is in my near future.  Anyway, Equis means X.  Dos Equis means two X's.  Maybe that'll help the bottle make more sense.  Cerveza is beer.  There's your Spanish lesson for the day.  We had just finished closing on our house and we wanted to celebrate by going out.  We went to a Mexican restaurant and there were some pitcher specials.  A pitcher of Dos Equis?  Si!

We were given some standard pints to go with the pitcher.  I gave it a standard pour, getting a good finger and a half of soapy head to show up.  Light retention, not much lacing.  The beer had a light caramel color to it.  When getting the beer, I was expecting to get Dos Equis Lager, not the amber, but when I saw the color, I knew what I had.  No complaints here.  Aromas of malt dominate, with a little bit of caramel notes as well.

When you taste it, it's definitely an amber.  It's not overly sweet, but the malt base is evident on this one.  Not much, if any hop finish.  There's a metallic taste to it which I experience with most ambers.  It wasn't bad, just a little unbalanced.  I did share half of the pitcher, so there was plenty to drink, and I honestly didn't appreciate it like I could have from a drinking standpoint.  There was a lot there and I didn't want to waste it, I needed to chug it down!  It's one of the better "mass-produced" beers that I've had, but I may be simply favoring the amber style, which I admittedly like.  Oh well, chalk this one up as another beer worth having if the selection is really light.  

Grade: C+
Price Paid: $9.50 (48 oz pitcher)

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