Death by Hops was one of the beers that I brought with me on my road trip that I didn't get a chance to drink. The day after I got back home, however, I made sure to address it sooner rather than later. I must confess, the bottle had a drink by date of 4/1/13. We're in mid-May, so I missed my mark. Still, I was hopeful and expectant that the beer would still be pretty good, even if I missed the best-by date.
The beer poured a nice caramel color into the glass, with about three fingers of frothy head. Average retention left about a finger long sheet of lacing at the bottom. I detected strong aromas of malt, honey, and caramel, followed by floral and piney hops, with a little bit of citrus peel mixed in.
The taste started off with a strong malt base to start, then the hops quickly come in. I though the hops were more piney than anything, and that there was a little bit of spice present. The bitterness lingers considerably, as expected. The mouthfeel is a little on the oily side, but still medium bodied with medium carbonation. For a DIPA, this isn't a bad brew by any means. That said, I am more partial to citrus like hops and the heavy malt backbone didn't play too well with me. I suspect that maybe it would have been better if I drank this before the expiration date. Oh well, I'll make plans to try again, but for now, I'll stick with the grade that's provided.
Grade: C
Price Paid: $6.99 (22 oz bomber)
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