
Saturday, February 9, 2013

83. Twisted Pine Big Shot Espresso Stout

Alright, I'm writing this review in live time, with the beer right in front of me.  I decided to go through a bomber for a change, and I'm on the back half of it.  Brought to you by the good folks of Twisted Pine Brewing Company (, I was looking forward to drinking some combination of coffee and beer.  I'm pretty sure I picked this one up at Bottle Revolution in Raleigh.

The beer poured a very dark brown to almost near black, with a finger of mocha head into a pilsner glass.  Solid retention, leaves small uniform splotches of lacing on the sides of the glass.  Good looking beer.  Aromas of roasted malt and coffee.  The coffee/espresso aroma is strong in this one, and any subtle aromas would be pretty hard to pick out, but I'm sure there's someone out there that can come up with 4 or 5 different aromas.

Tastes of coffee dominate the beer, with the malt as the base and some light notes of dark chocolate.  The beer finishes with a light bitterness that's just about right.  If it didn't have any bitterness, I certainly wouldn't complain..any more and I probably would.  Carbonation is medium to high, although the carbonation isn't as high in the bottom half of the bottle in comparison to the first.  Medium bodied with a slightly creamy mouthfeel.  If you like coffee and not much else, then this is a very good coffee.  If you're looking for more complex aromas and flavors, you'll probably be disappointed.  However, the beer lives up to its name and billing, so if you know what you want, and that's coffee and beer put together, then this'll work just fine for you.

Grade: B+
Price Paid: $5.99 (22 oz bomber)

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