Last night, I decided to crack this one open and give it a go. I poured into a snifter glass. Amber colored beer with about two fingers of off-white head. Moderate retention, left some splotches of lacing on the glass, but not a whole bunch. Aromas of malt, pine, biscuit, and grapefruit were detected.
How about that taste..? Starts off sweet, the malts and biscuit taste on theforefront. Then comes the onrush of piney hops that smacks you hard and leaves a significant lingering bitter taste in the mouth. The beer tastes balanced, but the aftertaste throws that out. I'm still getting adjusted to that bitter aftertaste, and it was just too bitter for me. The lingering aftereffects put a bad taste in my mouth. I found the beer to be oily and slick, with moderate carbonation. Next year, I'd like to get this again and see if my tastes have been refined. For now, it doesn't get as high a mark in my books.
Grade: C+
Price Paid: $5.99 (22 oz bomber)