
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Haul for 4/14

I'm obviously behind on the times and keep telling myself that I'll update a whole bunch of things that I haven't done in a while.  Easier said than done.  Anyway, I tend to keep track of my receipts and purchases to maintain a budget and ran across some older receipts and thought I'd post about some of my purchases in the last couple of months.  Anyway, here goes, this was from a quick beer run to Tasty Beverage:

  • Highland 20th Anniversary Weizenbock - I believe this is the last of the special releases that Highland put out in honor of their 20th anniversary.  I can't remember if I purchased them all or just 3 out of the 4.  Either way, I picked this up in my effort to be a completionist.  $8.99
  • Ballast Point Habanero Sculpin (x2) - I think Ballast Point Sculpin is awesome.  I've had the luxury of trying the Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin.  I've also enjoyed pepper beers although I've never seemed to get the heat index to do anything for me.  I've read the reviews on these and just had to buy some.  $3.71
  • Ommegang Hop House - It's been a while since I grabbed something from Ommegang.  I'm not interested in their Game of Thrones series.  I also needed to fill out a small 4-pack.  $2.78
  • Foothills IPA of the month - March - It's April, this beer was discounted since it's older, I knew I would drink it pretty soon.  $5.94
  • Foothills IPA of the month - April - I also snagged the April one as it was available.  Unfortunately, no discount for this one. $6.99
  • Crispin Venus Reigns - Haven't had a unique cider from Crispin in a while, word on the street is that they had issues with distribution in my area to some of my favored haunts and that they'll hopefully get back into the swing of things soon. $7.99
  • Lonerider Tombstone Reserve - A Lonerider brew I haven't had the pleasure of drinking yet.  Easy decision to fill out that small 4-pack. $5.99