Drinking this while watching NC State vs. Miami in ACC college basketball play. First time trying a Shipyard (http://www.shipyard.com) product. Poured into a tulip glass. Half a finger of white head. Little to no retention, similar to a cider or soda. No discernible lacing on the glass. Copper color with rose colored highlights. I can smell more pumpkin pie spice such as cinnamon and clove than I do actual pumpkin. Any semblance of pumpkin is hard to pick up.
The taste provides malt sweetness, some spice notes, and that's about it. It's quite watery, lacking flavor, little body, with high carbonation. There is a bitter finish, but not in the way that I think it's the hops.
Overall, this is a pretty bad beer. I'm contemplating giving it the drain pour, but I think I'll hold onto it. It's more cider than beer, maybe they should try to market this as one. Yeah..I'm not drinking this ever again.
Grade: D
Price Paid: $1.67 (12 oz bottle)