
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Haul for 10/17

The second of two hauls, this one the most recent since I pulled this one off yesterday.  Just swung by Tasty Beverage after work and went a little out of control.  I guess I won't be buying much beer next month based on what I splurged on today.  Here's the haul:

  • Boulevard Collaboration #4 Saison - For this collaboration, they paired up Ommegang to create a saison.  I don't think I've ever had Boulevard beers before, but I am a fan of Ommegang so I figured I'd give it a try.  Price paid: $8.99
  • Boulevard Smokestack Bourbon Barrel Quad - I have to admit, I was drawn to several beers that were labeled as one or two per customer only.  I understood that meant they were either in high demand, were rare, or both.  I pounced on the most of them in the store, considering they were reasonable in price.  Price paid: $12.99
  • Stone Enjoy By IPA - My date was 10/31/14, and it was consumed last night.  That means that you'll likely see a review next year.  Ha.  No, I'm going to try and get my recent drinks completed and then work backwards to manage my pending list.  Every time I turn around, this beer is sold out so I considered myself lucky that I'd finally get to try this bad boy.  Price paid: $6.99
  • Wicked Weed Briars & Brett - I'm not sure if I've ever had a sour before.  Again, was drawn to the one-per-customer thing.  I know Wicked Weed recently opened the Funkatorium; they basically have over a dozen taps dedicated to sour ales.  I figured I'd let this one age and go experiment with sour ales in the near future.  Oh yeah, this one was aged in gin barrels with blackberries.  Interesting combo.  Price paid: $9.99
  • Highland 20th Anniversary IPA - Would you believe that this was the beer that drove me to come by the store?  I had the previous 2 anniversary beers and this was the 3rd beer (There are releasing more beers than that to celebrate 20 years, but I'm only focusing on the beers that are labeled as 20th anniversary beers) of 4.  Price paid: $8.99
  • Fullsteam Fearrington Apple Rye IPA - I was intrigued by the combination of apple, rye, and IPA.  They said they used apple because everybody else is focused on pumpkins.  I just hope the combination pays off.  Price paid: $6.49
  • Fullsteam Tree to Sea Gose - I was impressed by the fact that they used NC ingredients to make this beer, and it came from all over the state.  To support my love for NC (I know, silly right?   I could be supporting my love for NC a myriad of different ways than buying this beer) I decided to buy this beer.  Call me a sucker.  Price paid: $12.99 

Haul for 10/10

Remember when I said I'd try to get 6 complete last week?  How much did I get done?  1!  Talk about not meeting one's goals.  I'm not pleased with myself, but now I've had the chance to enjoy a lazy Saturday, lounge for a bit, recuperate a bit.  Yeah, my goal is to finish two hauls and at least 4 reviews for a total of 6 posts.  Like my chances?  I don't, but until the wife gets home, I like my likelihood of having the free time to do what I need to do.  It's not often that I get to go by Bottle Revolution anymore, but I was in the area and decided to drop by and get a quick 6 pack.  What did I get?  Here's the haul:

  • Red Brick Brother Leo Belgian IPA - Part of Red Brick's Brick Mason series, I had tried or at least purchased some of their other Brick Mason series offerings, so I figured I'd snag this one too.  Price paid: $3.39
  • Schilling Oak Cider - I haven't had a lot of ciders aged in wood, but the ones I have tried have been great.  I've never heard of Schilling before, so I figured I'd give them a go.  Price paid: $2.09
  • Schilling Ginger Cider - Since the price was affordable, I didn't just get the oak cider but the ginger cider as well.  Hope these cider makers know their stuff..!  Price paid: $2.09
  • Unknown Over the Edge IPA - I've passed this Charlotte based brewery several times and wondered when they would have something that I could buy in stores.  Time to figure out how they rank with the other NC breweries..!  Price paid: $1.99
  • Weyerbacher Autumnfest - I feel like I missed Oktoberfest.  September came and went so quickly.  What's the deal that Oktoberfest is really held in September?  Anyway, I'm ready to make up for lost time, plus I may not get around to drinking this until next year.  Price paid: $2.09
  • Duck-Rabbit Marzen - Continuing my need to celebrate Oktoberfest, I decided to pick this one up at well.  Looks like Duck-Rabbit is spreading out their offerings.  And better yet, I just realized that they finally updated their website.  Finally a website that matches the quality of their beer.  Price paid: $1.79

Saturday, October 11, 2014

214. Mother Earth Endless River Kolsch Style Ale

"A clean, crisp beer, Kolsch offers a very slight fruity flavor and aroma.  It is light gold in color, with a delicate head.  This light-bodied beer appeals to nearly everyone who samples it.  Expect to enjoy a slight tang in the finish."

I haven't reviewed in a loooooong time.  Life has been busy, but the beer drinking hasn't stopped.  I have a lot of notes that I just need to type up.  The goal for today?  Take care of a half-dozen.  This one will be the first.  Had this one last night with some pizza.  It was poured into a pilsner glass.  Clear gold color with three fingers of fluffy white head.  Splotches of lacing left behind.  Long retention.  Attractive beer.  Simple aroma profile, picking up bread, crackers, some light grassy notes, just a touch of grape peel.  

Tastes are consistent with the aroma, but grassy notes are a little more forward and the finish brings out the lightest bit of citrus and hop character.  Very crisp with medium to high carbonation, light bodied (4.9% ABV).  

This is an incredibly easy to drink beer, very sessionable.  I haven't had a lot of kolsch beers, but I get the impression that this is very representative of the style and that it is one of the better representations as well.  If you like a light bodied brew and you're not fond of dark or overly hoppy beer, I think this would be a great candidate to get someone introduced to the world of craft beer.

Grade: A-
Price Paid: $1.79 (12 oz bottle)